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明治時代 新潟県

Shigotogi Work garment
This is a sturdy, large-sized work garment. The body as well as the sleeves are made from wisteria cloth.
Meiji period Niigata Prefecture

This fabric has a beautiful gradation that only bast fibers can create. Niigata Prefecture

- 藤布 -
 山藤のつるの樹皮繊維で織った布。 使われるほど柔らかく、暖かさが増してくる。衣類や農作業や漁業に使う袋、 畳の縁などに使われた。
おそらく、山藤は古代から全国に自生していたと思われるので、藤布は全国に 存在した可能性があるが、ほぼ途絶えてしまっていた。
京都の丹後半島で細々と続けられていた藤織りを20年前に復興させてできた 「藤織り保存会」では、有志によって今も藤織りが伝承されている。
- Fuji -

 It was believed that wisteria grew wild everywhere in old Japan and at one point it was reasoned that wisteria cloth was widely produced throughout the country.
In old Japan, people wove wisteria on the Tango Peninsula in Kyoto prefecture on a small scale. Twenty years ago, a small group of people interested in restoring this tradition founded the Wisteria Weaving Preservation Association. They continue to carry on this tradition today.
Wisteria cloth becomes softer and warmer with continuous use. This material would be used for clothing, trimmings for tatami mats and for bags used for farming and fishing.

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